Can a Vacuum Work Without a Belt? Find Out Here

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Vacuums typically use belts to rotate the wheels. Each wheel connects to another with a ribbed belt that lets you push the vacuum. Automatic vacuums also use belts. However, people often wonder if their vacuum will work without a belt.

A vacuum can’t work without a belt unless it’s a beltless vacuum. Most vacuums use belts. Using a vacuum with a broken belt will overheat the motor and prevent the wheels from moving. A loose belt can also stop the brushes and rollers from working.

In this article, I’ll explain whether or not all vacuums have belts, if a vacuum can work without a belt, and how you can tell if your vacuum’s belt is broken.

Do All Vacuum Cleaners Have Belts?

Not all vacuum cleaners have belts, but the majority of them do. There are some beltless vacuums, but they’re few and far between. Automatic vacuums sometimes use belts, too. To see if your vacuum cleaner has a belt, turn it off, flip it over, remove the cover plate, and look for belts near the wheels.

If you have a beltless vacuum, there won’t be any belts in the machine. Check the manufacturer’s make and model to know if your vacuum is supposed to have a belt. If it needs a belt and doesn’t have one, your vacuum won’t work. It might produce suction, but nothing else will function properly.

Are you looking for a beltless vacuum? Try the Kenmore Upright Beltless Vacuum Cleaner. It comes with a HEPA filter that removes up to 99.7% of debris from the surface. You’ll also receive multiple attachments, including handheld vacuum brushes and telescoping vacuum poles.

If you want to know if your vacuum belt is broken, read on.

How Do You Know if Your Vacuum Belt Is Broken?

To know if your vacuum belt is broken, look for these signs:

  1. If the wheels won’t move, the vacuum belt is likely broken. The belt wraps around the wheelbase, which lets the rollers and wheels move the machine. If the belt is broken, misaligned, loose, or off its tracks, the wheels won’t move the vacuum at all.
  2. Constant motor overheating is a common sign of vacuum belt issues. One of the main reasons vacuums overheat is that they don’t have a functioning belt. The motor gets too hot because it rotates without meeting resistance. The non-stop rotations can overheat the bearings.
  3. Make sure the vacuum’s brushes roll with the carpet. Start by checking if the brush setting is turned on. Many vacuums have an on/off switch for their brushes to let you control which surface you vacuum. If the switch is on and the brushes aren’t moving, check if the belts need to be replaced.
  4. If your vacuum gets much louder than usual, there’s a chance the belt is broken. Think Crucial claims vacuums often get noisy when they have damaged belts. The motor works much harder than it should, so it starts to grind and screech.

A broken vacuum belt stops the vacuum from performing its primary function. Unless you have a beltless vacuum, there’s not much you can do without the belt. Some people suggest making a makeshift vacuum belt out of duct tape, but this will only make things worse.

What Is the Purpose of a Vacuum Belt?

The purpose of a vacuum belt is to move the brushes, rollers, and wheels. The belt is connected to the motor assembly, which rotates and allows these components to propel the vacuum. Without a belt, most vacuums will overheat or fail.

Does it seem like your vacuum’s belt is always falling off its tracks? It could be because you’re using too many carpet deodorizers. There are many ways to make a vacuum smell good, but it’s essential that you clean the excess cleaning debris out of the rollers and belts when you’re done.

Some vacuums only have one belt, while others have multiple. It all depends on the make and model of the vacuum. If either of the belts breaks, the vacuum won’t work. There’s no use in vacuuming without all of the belts working. The vacuum will overheat and won’t clean effectively.

Beltless vacuums use direct-drive motors. These motors make contact with the wheels to move the vacuum. They’re quite uncommon, but some beltless vacuums are as good as they come. They require less maintenance. You also don’t have to worry about repairing them as often.

Regardless of which kind of vacuum you have, cleaning the inside and washing the filter is an irreplaceable step.

Why Does Your Vacuum Belt Keep Breaking?

Your vacuum belt keeps breaking because it’s always clogged, the belt keeps overheating, or the belt is old and worn. Replace the belt by disconnecting the bottom cover plate, removing the old belt, and wrapping the new belt in its place.

According to Appliance Analysts, a partially elevated vacuum belt will spin the rollers without moving the belt, creating tension. Too much tension will overheat the belt and weaken the material. Once the material is weak enough, the vacuum belt will break.

If it seems like the belt keeps breaking every time you replace it, make sure you’re using a like-for-like belt. It should be the same as the stock belt that came with the vacuum. Using third-party vacuum belts can cause them to fall off their tracks and break much easier than a high-quality belt.

Quick Tip: Look for streaks coming from the vacuum. While they’re often indications of dirty and grime buildup, some vacuum streaks are actually burn marks. These marks mean the belt or motor is overheated, which damages and breaks the belt. This often happens from clogs, dirty filters, and plugging the vacuum into a faulty electrical outlet.

Wrapping It Up

Since most vacuums use belts, it’s important to make sure your vacuum’s belt is in good condition. If it feels bumpy or the wheels don’t move, the belt might need to be replaced. Check the belt if it squeaks or grinds when you push the vacuum.


Jonah enjoys finding new DIY methods to fix common problems around the house. If he's not writing for one of his blogs, he's likely playing acoustic guitar, listening to audiobooks, or watching movies.

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