Why Do Desks Have Leather Tops? 4 Explanations

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Leather-topped desks aren’t too common these days, but they used to be everywhere. Antique desks are much more likely to have leather tops. While some desks use real leather, others rely on faux leather to reduce production time and requirements.

Desks have leather tops because they don’t scratch easily, they don’t get damaged from moisture, and they’re more comfortable to lean on. Leather-topped desks are also much more visually appealing, which is why so many people top their desks with leather to achieve an antique appearance.

Whether or not your desk has a leather top, it’s good to know where these impressive desks originate from. You can also add a leather top to your modern desk for a throwback look.

Why Is There Leather on Desks?

There’s leather on some desks because it provides extra support while preventing scuffs and other unwanted damage. You can choose between desks with leather built into the wood or desks with leather glued to the wood. Some people use removable leather desk mats, too.

The Aothia Leather Desk Pad comes in numerous colors and sizes, all of which use high-quality padded leather to fit over your desk. These leather pads have non-slip material on the bottom, which creates excellent traction to work on any desk.

Here’s a list of four reasons many desks have leather tops:

Scratch Resistance

Leather is very scratch-resistant compared to most types of wood. In fact, that’s one of the many reasons couches use faux leather, desks have leather tops, and office chairs are wrapped in genuine leather. These materials won’t get scratched and scuffed easily.

Note: You can scratch a leather-topped desk if you’re putting a desk in a car.

Ink and Water Stain Prevention

Ink was the go-to writing medium for many decades. Since leather doesn’t stain easily, it was a great choice for desktop writing projects. It also prevented water marks from liquid spills. It became an excellent option for anyone who worked at a desk for a long time.

Padded Comfort

It’s no secret that leather is much more comfortable than wood. Whether you lean on your desk when you’re writing or you always have your wrists on the desk when you’re typing, leather will almost always be the comfier choice. This is why countless people use leather desk blotters or padded mousepads.

Antique Designs

Old-school aesthetics are quite appealing. If you’re looking for vintage designs for your office, a leather-topped desk is a great way to start. Desks with leather tops might not be common for their original purposes, but they still look fantastic in any office or room.

How Do You Restore a Leather-Topped Desk?

To restore a leather-topped desk, follow these steps:

  1. Use a magic eraser to remove surface stains. Magic erasers clean fabric very quickly without leaving scratches or new stains. Dip the magic eraser in warm water, then lightly scrub the leather on the desk until the stains are removed. Add a drop of dish soap if necessary.
  2. Get rid of deeper stains with vinegar and warm water. SFGate suggests using one part of vinegar with four parts of water to prevent excessive acidity from ruining the leather on the desk. You can use a soft rag or a sponge, but avoid abrasive cleaning materials when using vinegar.
  3. Use a leather cleaning solution to brighten the leather-topped desk and restore its color. These solutions are intended to remove stains, buff out the leather, and restore the brightness and original shade. You can use leather restoring pastes or sprays to clean your desk.
  4. Cut and patch any deep holes and scratches in the leather. Use a thin, sharp blade to remove a square piece of leather that encompasses the entire scratch. Fill the hole with the same leather type and color, then glue it to the desk. Use a leather restorer to match the patch with the rest of the desk.
  5. Add fabric glue wherever the leather is lifted from the desk. This is essential if you have small bits of leather lifted around the edges. One drop of glue is usually enough. Use a book or another hard surface to vice the leather to the desk until the glue dries and cures.

The Weiman Leather Cleaner and Conditioner is designed to remove surface stains and dull discoloration from leather furniture. You can buff out the solution with a microfiber cloth after applying the solution to your leather desktop. It also prevents further dulling from sunlight and dryness.

Restoring the leather on top of your desk can revitalize your workstation. However, it’s not always possible for worn, scratched leather. The good news is that you can remove the leather and start fresh or get a leather blotter to place on top of the desk.

Is Leather Good for Desktops?

Leather is good for desktops because it’s resilient, but it can become problematic if you keep the desk under direct sunlight for too long. Leather is rarely UV-resistant, especially if you don’t treat it with leather conditioner. However, it’s ideal for those who still use ink to write and work.

Van Dyke’s Restorers claim genuine leather is much better for desktops than faux leather. This is because it retains its shape for much longer, and it’s significantly more durable. Real leather is also good for desks because it smells great and has the classic leather feeling that you won’t find with any other materials.

Perhaps more important than your desktop’s covering material is how durable it is. You can make your desk sturdier by adding wooden or steel cross beams, then add a leather layer on top of it when you’re done.

Should You Get a Leather-Topped Desk?

Consider these reasons you may or may not want leather on top of your desk:

  • Leather is ideal for people who use ink or paint at their desks.
  • It’s not the top choice for anyone who mostly works outside or near a wide window with lots of sunlight exposure.
  • It needs to be restored every few months, which might be an issue for people looking for a low-maintenance desk.
  • Genuine leather and faux leather both look wonderful on almost any desk.


Jonah enjoys finding new DIY methods to fix common problems around the house. If he's not writing for one of his blogs, he's likely playing acoustic guitar, listening to audiobooks, or watching movies.

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